Exhibition Resources

Exhibition Resources focus on information and activities related to feature exhibitions at the Museum. Each exhibition resource includes background information, an exhibition walkthrough, and classroom and gallery activities.

Recent Resources

Industrial Revolution Inventions by Daisy Breaux

Length: Four 45 minute class periods (2 days for research, 2 days for presentations) Lesson Goal: Students will gain experience…

Roles in the Community by Ghada Hammad

Lesson Goal: Students will discuss different social roles and professions and the impact they have on our communities. Without these…

Geology in Art by Erika Girmscheid

Lesson Goal: Students will observe qualities and patterns in rocks to explain changes over time and can hypothesize observations the…

Motion, Force, and Energy in Art by Candance Mielcarek

Lesson Objective: Using Newton’s laws, and applying the principles of motion, force, and energy students will gain a deeper understanding…

A Window into Understanding by Aysegul Yazganoglu

Lesson Goal: Students will know how to identify different shapes when they’re presented in a real world scenario. Notice​ Look…

Reading Facial Expressions by Ella Evenson

Lesson Goal: Students will be able to identify how a person’s face can show their emotions. Students will talk about…