Explain to your students that on your Museum visit, they will see many different ways of making marks on paper. In fact, the artists used paper as a playground, of sorts, for their pencil. Give your students their own paper and pencils. How many different kinds of marks can they make with just a pencil? Beyond straight lines and curved lines, have them think about using the side of the pencil to shade, and about making crosshatch marks, layering strokes, and more. After your visit, have them pull out their sketches again. Did they see any of their marks in the works of art at the Museum? Should any new marks be added based on what they saw?
Activity Type
- Classroom Activities (143)
- Gallery Activities (119)
- Post-Visit Activities (4)
- Background (51)
- Writing + Art (25)
- JDSP Graduation Projects (24)
- Studio Art (32)
- Teacher Notes (5)
- Reading with Art (11)
- BBL (9)
- Behind the Scenes (13)
- Gallery Talks (14)
- Hangout with Art (12)
- Mini-Tours (13)
- Museum Inside-Out (16)
- Videos (39)
- Virtual Tours (4)
- Baylor Coloring Page (8)
- Exhibitions (180)
- Grade 5 (15)
- Grade 6 (1)
- For Parents (12)
- Grades K–4 (90)
- Early Childhood (2)
- Grades 5–8 (149)
- Grades 6-12 (8)
- Grades 9–12 (142)
- Grades 4-6 (1)
- For Teachers (108)
- Grades K-2 (3)
- Grades K-12 (18)
- Grades 4-12 (32)
- Grades 3-6 (18)
- Grades 6-8 (4)
- Art History (40)
- Biography (20)
- Careers (22)
- Drama and Dance (13)
- Drawing (8)
- Film (10)
- Foreign Language (6)
- Gallery Talks (19)
- Geography (9)
- Health (1)
- History (14)
- History/Social Studies (83)
- Language Arts/English (137)
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- Music (4)
- Painting (12)
- Photography (6)
- Printmaking (1)
- Reading (8)
- Science (5)
- Sculpture (4)
- Social Emotional Learning (2)
- Social Studies (8)
- Studio Art (91)
- Technology (16)
- Theater/Performance (6)
- Writing (58)
- Alphabet (2)
- Architecture (8)
- Art Making (44)
- Background (61)
- Brainstorming (32)
- Career Resources (25)
- Collaboration (57)
- Color (13)
- Communication (93)
- Comparison (47)
- Critical Thinking (76)
- Curators (4)
- Design (20)
- Exhibitions (45)
- Hangout with Art (12)
- History (24)
- Icebreaker (7)
- Imagination (46)
- Interpretation (27)
- Kinetic Art (3)
- Looking Closely (81)
- Movement (4)
- Music (5)
- Nature (3)
- Observation (17)
- Patterns (6)
- Poetry (4)
- Portraiture (20)
- Reading (26)
- Research (51)
- Responding (18)
- Still Life (2)
- Storytelling (15)
- Studio Art (54)
- Technology (15)
- Vocabulary (42)
- Voice (47)
- World Communities (20)
- Writing (72)