Use a work of art as inspiration for a research project. Choose a group of artworks that fit with your…
Before and After
What might have happened before and after the moment shown in this artwork? Students can either write short stories addressing…
Sketch It
Sketch the work of art quickly—no more than three minutes. What did you notice that you didn’t see before? Low-stakes…
Moving Image
Adapt the “Machine” activity you might already use in your classroom to a work of art. One student begins by…
Let’s Get Physical
With the class standing in a circle, have each student create a movement that is inspired by a work of…
Strike a Pose
Have students choose a person, animal, or even an object in a work of art. On the count of three,…
Act It Out
Have students choose two characters (or even objects) in a work of art and give them a voice. They should…
Art Rap
Have your students write a rap about a work of art. Since this is a great opportunity to discuss rhythm,…
What’s in a Name?
Choose a work of art or several to use in your classroom or have students choose a work of art…
A Picture’s Worth a Thousand Words
Use this saying as inspiration for a writing activity: Have students free-write 1,000 words about this work. You may want…
Six Word Story
Can you write a story about a work of art in exactly six words? Have students look closely at a…
Model to Building: Comparing What Changed
The Building a Masterpiece exhibition consists of many different models of the Quadracci Pavilion—small, proportionally scaled, 3-D versions of the…