Junior Docent Student Work

Madelyne Yang—Edgewood Elementary
Harry Bertoia has several sculptures in the Milwaukee Art Museum including a designed chair and abstract sculptures. I chose the sculpture, Dandelion for my project. Its lines look skinny,vertical, and diagonal. It’s shape and form look like a 3D cube and a 3D sphere. The colors are gold and gray. The space is so small, that a ant can crawl on the sculpture and not break it. The texture looks really pointy, it kind of looks like a porcupine! Dandelion is my favorite sculpture by Harry Bertoia because it looks like a real, giant dandelion. My favorite flower is a dandelion because I can make wishes on it. Also gold is my favorite color. I like how Harry Bertoia used bronze because it shows the gold shining in the light. I wonder how this sculpture would look if it was outside instead of inside?
Junior Docent Student Work
Sophia L.—St. Robert School

I chose Dandelion because it reminds me how we all received the earth as a gift and we should take better care of the earth for future generations. (Sophia shared her full presentation during a virtual graduation ceremony.)