Junior Docent Student Work
Liliana Nocun—Edgewood Elementary
This art piece is a sculpture. It is also 3-D. The O in LOVE is tilted in this sculpture so it is diagonal. The colors are red, white, and blue just like the American flag colors. They are all primary colors except for white, white is secondary. The space I think is space of objects. This art piece is hard, smooth, and if it is sunny outside it can kind of be shiny. This art piece was my favorite because it is bold, and 3-D. I also think the colors he chose matched to what he was feeling, I think he made this sculpture red, white, and blue because he loved his home state Indiana, and Indiana is in America.
Creative Response:
Roses are Red, Violets are Blue,
This art piece is the colors of these too.
Roses are Red, Violets are Blue,
This art piece spells love. I love it too.