Lesson Goal: Students will know how to identify different shapes when they’re presented in a real world scenario.

Window, 1907
Glass and zinc came
24 × 29 1/2 in. (60.96 × 74.93 cm)
Gift of family and friends in memory of Pamela Jacobs Keegan, architect M1984.14
Look at the image or the object. What do you notice about the lines? What different shapes do you see? What do you notice about the symmetry in the picture?
What do you wonder about this picture? What could this be a picture of? What types of shapes are in the picture? How many lines/ shapes are there?
Share your guesses. Ask a partner what they thought this was a picture of and how lines, shapes and symmetry play a role in that. Ask what shapes there are? Ask how many of a certain shape there are?
Standard: M.K.G.A.1 Describe objects in the environment using names of shapes.
M.K.G.A.2 Correctly name shapes regardless of their orientations or overall size.
Indicators of Mastery: Describing all of the different shapes there are. Having a good estimate of the amount of shapes in the picture.